When it was first put on the market 2 years ago, 24 Oak Tree lane was described as an historic Bloomfield farmhouse and family homestead. c.1840
...first time on market...corner property/oversized lot... possible subdivision.... Sold 'AS IS'. Buyer resp. for CO. Oil tank in basement. The asking price was $310,000.
Today, it's being presented as 32 Oak Tree Lane..."Vacant Land" ("Offered with all approved permits and architectural plans. Green Building will be removed and land cleared of debris.") The asking price is $329,000.
A small price for a 19th Century history lesson. It also happens to face the only "footprint" for the historic Morris Canal.

What a shame it will be if Bloomfield loses this house. I am involved in trying to save another old house of approximately the same vintage, in fact a little older. Both houses have connections to the Morris Canal. And this little green one seems to be in good condition so it's a double shame to lose it. It wouldn't even need restoration! Any chance someone can move it?