Friday, May 26, 2006

Downsizing McMansions

From the Star-Ledger:
On Tuesday night, Montclair's council introduced an ordinance that would rein in what many characterize as McMansions, introducing a coverage limit in R-1 and R-2 zones of 25 percent. In R-0, or residential mountain zones, the maxi mum coverage would be 20 percent.

On a 60-foot-by-150 foot lot, for example, simple setback requirements now allow 49 percent coverage, meaning a two-story house could have some 8,800 square feet, not counting any finished attic or basement. A 25 percent coverage would allow for a two-story house with 4,466 square feet; add a half- story -- Montclair's maximum allowable-- and the house would approach 5,600 square feet of living space.

"The net result would be reducing the size of houses," Mayor Ed Remsen said as the council scheduled a June 13 public hearing.

1 comment:

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