For a couple of years now,our all-time favorite web-surfing tool has been stumbleupon.com. Whatever your interests on the web, stumblers can help expand your Favorites list.
Every day millions of StumbleUpon users discover great web sites and give them a "Thumbs-up". Starting this Earth Day, they want to harness the power of their community and the "Thumbs-up" to plant trees for the National Forest Foundation.
Just as we recently found with freerice.com, these sites make it easy to have fun for a good cause.
Simply use the StumbleUpon toolbar to thumbs-up this page and, from now through May 2, with every thumbs-up StumbleUpon will plant a tree with help from the National Forest Foundation. Your thumbs-up means more trees for America's National Forests and more visibility for this cause. Give a "Thumbs-Up for Trees" and spread the word!
Want to do more? Spend a weekend with Tiki Barber.